Welcome to my mess
i plan to store ideas i had here so they dont disapeare quick way to youtube.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.
Here's how you can add an image:
- i got this idea from reading about cogdis from shadow run and seeing project snowblind
- the player char is physicly helpless and on life support probably wont survive the night
- in desperation to survive in some form the player usese a mmi (man machine interface) to brouse the web
- this event somehow renders the player a virtual ghost alowing them limited interaction with the real world
- they then discovere that they can upload (a copy of) themself to compatable machines and control them due to cloud back up and wireless conection to net
- eventualy the player finds out how to overwrite someone taking advantage of nanotech but recoils in horror to find out the origonal occupant is still there and fighting the control via electronic implants that store the hoast's consiousnes around here the plot starts to take shape the player needs
- 1 to escape back the net to avoid being deleted by the hoast's "antivirus" during this segment controls are scrambled and orders are randomly canceled
- 2 avoid being killed in task 1 and being captured by researchers during this segment the player discovers how to defend themself in virtual space and depending on the methiods used the consequences of doing so offensive methiods will raise awareness of the player (mental overwrites/frying ,electronic havoc,being skynet basicly) and defensive methiods may reduce awareness and may impact the real world but sometimes you may be caught hiding
- also sometimes the player may subvert things such as probe's or news broadcasts if the player raises the awareness to much this can lower it if awareness is raised to much you get the g men on you and the network your in is isolated you can survive this but its difficult and if your balsy or lucky you may ride out on a g man in fact this is one way out of the hospitol network as if you try to escape without a hoast of somesort yes even a robovac works you will perish due to signal decay and watch who you posses you can find out more about a would be vessal via documents or a web search in this case medical records as some are less then ideal and may actualy hamper you if utilized also dont go into someone going into surgury some events may blow your cover this is one of them
- anyway once out of the hospital the players goal is to find out moar about the world and to find a more permenat solution to their incorpreal state
- as the bodysurfing carrys way too much risk as is due to the chance to lose control and be killed by activated countermesures plus leaving a hoast raises awareness like a pedo in a daycare i was thinking of a way to mitigate that but as of this writing idk anyway there are multiple solutions to this goal
1 find a better overwrite methiod and choose a hoast if you find out who is responsable for your state you can take revenge with this or overwrite a blank (vat grown human clone) are some examples or you can acept your fate as a virtual entiy and overwrite or delete an ai and impersonate them while buffing your defences to the point of nigh inpregnabilty or find(or make) a hiding spot so good that no one can find you this is still wip may come back lator
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